Still Moving | Atefeh Farajolahzadeh

Still Moving | Atefeh Farajolahzadeh

Horizon Gallery

Using photography and video Still Moving expresses the experience of being elsewhere. This project is inspired by personal experiences as an immigrant facing the state of suspension between a new place and country of origin. Scenes of city, countryside, and nature explore a psychological space that mirrors the inner state of mind and emotions.

Did you know?

Most of the artwork on display at Summit Artspace is for sale.
Click on the artwork images for pricing and more information about each piece. 

If you would like to purchase any art, please visit a staff member or volunteer at the front desk, or email

1- Where the Boats Go | $1,350
Archival inkjet print
 18 x 18 Inches 

2- Do You Hear the Whisper of the Shadows | $1,350
Archival inkjet print
18 x 18 Inches

3- Falling Apart | $930
Archival inkjet print
12 x 12 Inches 

4- Falling on the Ground | $1,160
Archival inkjet print
16 x 16 Inches 

5- Untitled | $1,750
Archival inkjet print
24 x 24 Inches 

6- Walking in a City #1 | $1,060
Archival inkjet print
14 x 14 Inches

7- Night Walk | $1,350
Archival inkjet print
18 x 18 Inches

8- In a Dream | $930
Archival inkjet print
9 x 13 Inches

9- Untitled | NFS
Archival inkjet print

10- Immersed | $1,350
Archival inkjet print
18 x 18 Inch 

11- Walking in a City #3  | $2,150
Archival inkjet print
32 x 32 Inches

12- Things Remain | NFS
Single-channel digital video
1920 x 1080p

13- No Answer | NFS
Single-channel digital video
1920 x 1080p

See the Summit Artspace exhibit schedule for show details.
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