StarBurst | Juried Regional High School Exhibition

StarBurst | Juried Regional High School Exhibition

Welcome Gallery & Hallways

*Exhibition closes early on May 20 

Summit Artspace celebrates local high school artists with an annual, county-wide juried exhibition. StarBurst invites all art departments from schools from Summit County to showcase artwork by high-school seniors in any visual media. This year’s jurors are Eva Kwong, former faculty member of Kent State University School of Art, and Stephen Tornero, art teacher at Oakwood Middle School in Stark County.

Special thanks to Bradley Hart, Summit Artspace resident artist, for photography of virtual exhibitions!

Did you know?

Most of the artwork on display at Summit Artspace is for sale.
Click on the artwork images for pricing and more information about each piece. 

If you would like to purchase any art, please visit a staff member or volunteer at the front desk, or email

1- Carly Jones | 4Life | Archbishop Hoban High School 
Digital photograph
13″ x 19″
Artist Bio- Carly Jones is a senior at Archbishop Hoban High School. She is currently enrolled in Advanced Digital Photography at Hoban and is a a member of NHS and varsity soccer and bowling athlete. She will be attending Notre Dame College as a criminal justice major and will compete on the college’s bowling team.

2- Maddie Svenson | Rising Discontent | Archbishop Hoban High School 
Acrylic paint
20” x 12”

3- Alexandra Singer | My Playlist | St. Vincent – St. Mary High School
Book, acrylic, sharpie
15″ x 10.5″

4- Isabella Augustus | Head in the Clouds Never Coming Down | St. Vincent – St. Mary High School
Tissue paper, tempera, ink, decorative paper
18″ x 12″

5- Ella Garcia | Reef Trash | Nordonia High School
Mixed media, recycled plastic, acrylic paint
12″ x 16″ x 10″

6- Jie Li | Not Sid | Nordonia High School
Clay, acrylic paint
9″ x 4.5″ x 3″

7- Robyn Moore | Wolf Head | Firestone High School
12″ x 8″ x 8″

8- Divya Gurung | Bubble Virus | Nordonia High School
Clay, glazeware
7″ x 5″ x 5″

9- Kyle Foster | The Dodo | Barberton High School
Clay, paint, resin
9″ x 12″ x  7″
Artist Bio- Kyle is a student at Barberton High creating sculpture in ceramics classes. He is a Senior.
Artist Statement- Kyle Foster created the dodo project for Ceramics 1. I is sculpted through the pinch technique. He went to a prehistoric animal so it would be a more unique project.

10- Saoirse Edelen | Necklace and earrings | Barberton High School
Wire, jewels, crysrals, cabochons
1″x 1″
Artist Bio- Student at Barberton High School studying art and music. Saoirse is a great students that maneuvers easily between difficult things. She plays at the highest level in band and in all of her art classes
Artist Statement- he pieces that are in this application to Starburst Exhibit are made from jewels and wire.

11- Andy Stevens | Little Things | Norton High School
Black ball point pen, blue ball point pen, drawing paper
12″ x 9″
Artist Bio- Andy is a senior artist at Norton High School. His skills have grown throughout his high school career and he creates highly crafted artworks in a variety of mediums, both 2D and 3D. Although most of Andy’s works stand out amongst his peers, his ball point pen drawings are truly incredible. Using only blue and black Bic pens, he creates amazingly detailed artworks full of texture and soft values. His mark-making and attention to small detail truly make his artwork one of a kind!

12- Kendra Stewart | Portrait No. 1 | St. Vincent – St. Mary High School
9″ x 15″

13- Kendra Stewart | Untitled | St. Vincent – St. Mary High School
Oil Pastel
19″ x 18″

14- Joshua Hernandez-Rojas | The Flowered Crown and Wings of Brianna | Firestone High School
Color pencil on paper
18″ x 24″

15- Mak Herrle | Hiding | Tallmadge High School
18″ x 24″
Artist Bio- My name is Mak Herrle and I am 17 years old. I go to Tallmadge High School where I participate in my theater program and marching band. I’ve loved doing art my whole life and am very grateful that I get the chance to be in my AP art class.
Artist Statement- This piece is about the feeling of wanting to hide your face from others. Being trans I have a lot of dysmorphia surrounding my face and the way people perceive me. I often feel like I just want to cover my face and hide from the world. Doing this piece in charcoal was also very significant for me as I wanted it to have very dramatic values. I feel like if I had done this piece in color it wouldn’t have had the same effect.

16- Nathan Hayne | Obscure Feelings | St. Vincent – St. Mary High School
Pencil, charcoal
10″ x 14″

17- Victoria Vue | Mystic Beast | Tallmadge High School
Digital art
18″ x 24″
Artist Bio- I am a self-taught 17 year old from Tallmadge High School. I also play for the tennis varsity girls team for the school. I plan to go to Kent State for biology and help with animals. Art is something I have been doing since kindergarten until now and I have no plans on stopping it.
Artist Statement- This piece was for a prompt of dragons on a group chat. It’s a group chat full of artist with prompts to keep us motivated to draw.

18- Brendan Hamer | Koi | Nordonia High School
Acrylic, modeling paste
12.5″ x 11″

19- Sofie Meyer | Where To Go | Norton High School
Raised canvas, oil paints
20″ x 16″
Artist Bio- Sofie is a senior at Norton High School and one of our strongest artists. Although she is talented in a variety of mediums, painting is her medium of choice. She excels in oils, gouache, and acrylic. Her process, layering, and attention to detail help her to create realistic textures while also capturing whimsy and light. Sofie’s landscapes have a way of transporting the viewer to different environment and giving them a unique perspective.

20- Jessie Wamsley | BOYCRAZY | Firestone High School
Digital illustration
8.5″ x 11″

21- Preston Maxwell | Sprouts and Struggles | Barberton High School
Colored pencil on mixed media paper
18″ x 16″
Artist Bio- Studying at Barberton High School in the arts program for the past 3 years, As a Senior he is in the AP Art classes.
Artist Statement- Preston Maxwell has been doing sets of flowers relating to emotions to better understand himself and his emotions. This piece represents a period of struggle showing a small confined space of darkness. The flower is sprouting and growing despite all of that.

22- Christina Nagy | Myrtle | Nordonia High School
Acrylic, modeling paste
11″ x 14″

23- Ma Sa Ark | My Past Life of Noe Poh | Akron North High School
Acrylic paint on canvas panel
9″ x 12″
Artist Bio- I am a senior at North High School. I am 17 years old.
Artist Statement- This painting was based on my birthplace of Noh Poe, a small refugee camp in Thailand.

24- Sila Rai | Golden Temple | Akron North High School
Acrylic paint
9″ x 12″
Artist Bio- I am a senior at North High School. I am 18 years old. I enjoy painting, drawing, and ceramics. I am originally from Nepal and I have been in the United States for 9 years.

25- Easter Aye | Night Glow | Akron North High School
Acrylic paint
9″ x 12″

26- Lydia Swanson | Floating Spirits | Barberton High School
Paper, charcoal, pencil
44″ x 48″
Artist Bio- As an AP art student at Barberton High, Lydia has been making paintings and large charcoal pieces
Artist Statement- Lydia made this piece in the past year to go with the theme Exploration of Peace Through Different Cultures. It is shown here here using traditional symbolism in Japanese art work and culture.

27- Ayana Crowe | The Creation of Us | Norton High School
Styrofoam, feathers, glitter, African print fabric, construction paper, black ribbon, rhinestone ribbon, book bag, sewing
72” x 46”
Artist Bio- Ayana is a senior artist at Norton High School that specializes in wearable art creations with a specific vision and voice. Her works highlight the strength and beauty of her culture in visually powerful ways. Ayana uses everyday materials such as feathers, backpacks, and styrofoam to produce large-scale, culturally inspired pieces that weave African patterns and designs into a contemporary style.

28- Annika Hall | The Workbench | Archbishop Hoban High School
India ink
24″ x 18″

29- Easter Aye | Network | Akron North High School
Ink and colored pencil
12″ x 18″

30- Emma Laney | Organic | Cuyahoga Falls High School
Wire, upcycled fabric, needle and thread, recycled yarn
16″ x 2″ x 18″
Artist Bio- My sustained investigation has been about how wasteful people are and how textile and plastic waste are slowly destroying the environment. I have been focusing on things that are commonly thrown away and trying to make them beautiful again, but also showing how these things should not be thrown away. After high school I plan to attend Akron University to study art education
Artist Statement- I created this form based off of the lines and curves I see in everyday life. I made the original shape out of wire, and then wrapped the whole structure in yarn I purchased from a thrift shop. I then collected pieces of fabrics that would have been thrown away, and then I wrapped the sculpture in the fabric. I did this to show how beautiful things could be made out of things that would normally go to waste.

31- Apechha Rai | At Peace | Akron North High School
8″ x 10″
Artist Bio- I am 19 years old and I have been in the United States for almost 5 years. I am originally from Jhapa, Nepal.

32- Gia Mealey | The Feast | Norton High School
Watercolor, ink
9″ x 5.5″
Artist Bio- Gia is a senior artist at Norton High School. Although she excels in both 2D and 3D art, her drawing and painting style are incredibly unique. Gia’s work is very conceptual and explores topics ranging from fantasy to human behavior to figure studies. Her linework, attention to detail, and carefully curated color palettes help to express the concepts and ideas being investigated. Gia’s art is interesting and leaves the viewer wanting to dig deeper and ask questions.

33- Adrianna Fast | Everyone’s Watching | Tallmadge High School
Paper mache and acrylic paint
16” x 20”
Artist Bio- I’m 17 years old. I am a student at Tallmadge High School. I started doing art as a way to let my emotions out. My art is like an outlet for what I’m feeling.
Artist Statement- In this piece I used new materials that I had never even thought of using before. I used papier mache to make the 3D eyes. It made a sort of clay. I love this piece because it shows how I feel without me having to explain it. It shows eyeballs starting at this person who is completely normal looking. This is how I feel sometimes when I’m at school or even at the store.

34- Kayd Vierheller | The Woman | Barberton High School
Canvas, paint, fabric and wall paper
21.5″ x 14″
Artist Bio- Kayd Vierheller studies at Barberton High School in the Arts. Currently she is in the AP Art classes. Kayd is also in all of the theater presentations. Choir, guitar and playing in band taske up the rest of her time outside of a school day.
Artist Statement- The piece, The Woman, was done as a part of an art class, It is a portion of a study in the human form. The woman is on full display demonstrating the beauty of humanity.

35- Kylie Ann De Silva | Caged Love | Tallmadge High School
Gouache and white gel pen
18″ x 24″
Artist Bio- I am a 17-year-old artist currently enrolled at Tallmadge High School as a senior. Ever since I was a kid I’ve loved art regardless of the form it was in. I spent a lot of my time writing, singing, playing instruments, drawing, and exploring new ideas or hobbies! While I have been drawing since I was a kid I’ve only really started to pursue art as of 2020. To me art is a very important way of communication, it can tell a story that is far too painful to say out loud or it can provide relief from letting go of something troubling you. That’s why I love making art, I love sharing my thoughts and mind out in the world without having to say it out loud, it’s like a comfortable silence with mutual understanding.
Artist Statement- This art piece is supposed to represent a relationship (romantic or platonic) between two people who are bound together by means other than love. Whether they feel as though they have a commitment to the relationship or are simply too scared of being alone, they no longer feel love toward each other and find themselves feeling trapped and on display.

36- Regan Rosier | Unveiled | Norton High School
Watercolor pencil, colored pencil, watercolor paper
30″ x 22″
Artist Bio- Regan is a senior artist from Norton High School that plans to pursue a career in art education after graduation. Throughout her career Regan has continued to grow and find her artistic voice. She enjoys creating works around the human form and exploring the idea of femininity, nature, gender roles and stereotypes.

37- Ella Thomas | The World Against You | Our Lady of the Elms
Inking pens, permanent marker, and paper
12″ x 18″
Artist Bio- I am a senior at Our Lady of the Elms High School, where I am involved in the JustWrite competitive writing team as a varsity member, the monthly writing club Writers’ Circle as co-leader, and the bowling team as the captain. I draw and write in my spare time, and my dream is to be the author and illustrator of a graphic novel. I plan to attend Kent State University in the fall for graphic design.
Artist Statement- In my art classes, throughout the semester we are tasked with working on a social justice project, where we create an art piece demonstrating a social issue close to our hearts. My project depicts a homeless person, clinging to their pillow out in the cold, floating through space with nowhere to go. Some examples of these pieces of hostile architecture include spikes placed under bridges, poles placed in the concrete under awnings, sectioned- off benches, and benches with large portions cut out for “wheelchair access.” This piece represents hostile or anti-homeless architecture, which is comprised of structures designed with the intention of preventing people from entering certain areas, oftentimes with the true intention being the prevention of homeless people from taking shelter and resting. Cities often spend so much money implementing these structures rather than using that money to support homeless people financially, or at the very least giving them somewhere safe and sound to stay. It seems all too much of today’s urban infrastructure was built without unhoused people in mind.

38- Kiera Daugherty | Haunted Hallways | Our Lady of the Elms
Prismacolor fine liner
18″ x 24″
Artist Bio- I go to Our Lady of the Elms high school and am graduating May of 2023. I hope to go into 2D animation, and my hobbies include animating, drawing, playing video games, and reading.

39- Aschertyn Sixt | The Words You Say | Tallmadge High School
Artist pens
11” x 8.5”
Artist Bio- I am 17 years old and a senior at Tallmadge High School. Ever since I was young I’ve loved doing art, it has always been a way to show what’s on my mind. I love being creative and turning my thoughts into something productive.
Artist Statement- This piece is about verbal abuse and just how much the things others say can make you feel. The words can make you feel uncomfortable and just surrounded and consumed by all the negativity.

40- Kira Kemp | This is My Kazia | Firestone High School
Transparent film and paint marker
14″ x 14″

41- Virgil Farmer | The Beautiful Promise of Decay | Cuyahoga Falls High School
34” x 15”
Photography, real flowers, spirit gum
Artist Bio- My sustained investigation which I have been exploring through my art began as the idea of transformation. It later focused on transformations within myself, and finally to being a self dissection. I really wanted to dive into pieces that made me passionate and I have always had an interest in mental health.
Artist Statement- In death there is beauty

42- Everson Brooks | Untitled | Firestone High School
Watercolor and ink
9″ x 12″

43- Mara DeSantis | Man’s Best Friend | Archbishop Hoban High School 
Oil pastel
20″ x 16″

44- R.E Miller | The Heart of Addiction | Our Lady of the Elms
14″ x 32″
Artist Bio- I am a young poet from Ohio. Art is my first love. I love expressing myself through art projects and writing.

45- Piper Duda | My Tummy Hurts But I’m Being Brave About It | Archbishop Hoban High School
Water color, micron, red glitter
11.5″ x 16″
Artist Bio- I just wanna have FUN FUN FUN and work on my boat /j

See the Summit Artspace exhibit schedule for show details.
Have questions? Here is our Frequently Asked Questions page.

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