Through the lens of community sports, this photography series highlights the bond between people within a community. The photographs illustrate how sports have the ability to bring diverse people together to encourage tolerance and inclusion.
Artist Statement
“My goal with this series is to show interaction between people, but also show the care that goes into keeping Akron’s community spaces maintained. I have a fondness for the idea of relationship building through community sports. As a young man, I served in the Army and built friendships through pick-up games during our off hours. It was a way to blow off steam and get to know each other outside of our day to day duties. Similarly, I see this happening in the neighborhoods throughout Akron. When I photograph, the people at these spaces are welcoming and genuine.
The photographs show how pick-up basketball games can bring together a diverse group of people. They highlight the bonds between people within a community through spectating, participation, and socialization. Community-based sports teaches tolerance through inclusion and reinforces the importance of physical activity as an extracurricular.”
If you would like to purchase any art, please visit a staff member or volunteer at the front desk, or email natalie@summitartspace.org.

Battle of the Boards | $199
Photography, 16×24

Together | $125
Photography, 12×18

Buddy Bench | $199
Photography, 16×24
Compliments to the Chef | $125
Photography, 12×18

Geometric Jumpshot | $199
Photography, 16×24

Off the Dribble | $125
Photography, 12×18

Layup | $125
Photography, 12×18

The Dance | $199
Photography, 16×24

Botticelli Stretch | $125
Photography, 12×18
Pick it up Together | $199
Photography, 16×24

Silhouette of a King | $125
Photography, 12×18
See the Summit Artspace exhibit schedule for show details.
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