Outstanding Artists: Individual artists whose work within their field has made a significant impact within the discipline over five years or more.
Barbara Sabol is the author of six poetry collections, the most recent a docu-lyric titled WATERMARK: Poems of the Johnstown Flood of 1889, published in 2023 by Alternating Current Press.
She won the Sheila-Na-Gig Editions poetry contest for her book, IMAGINE A TOWN in 2019 and went on to become the associate editor of the poetry journal, Sheil-Na-Gig online. Barbara edited the anthology Sharing This Delicate Bread: Selections from Sheila-Na-Gig online in 2022. Sabol’s writing encompasses both the traditional long-form poem and short-form Japanese poetry.
Barbara’s honors include an Individual Excellence Award from the Ohio Arts Council, the Mary Jean Iron Poetry Prize from the Chautauqua Institute, and recognition from the Haiku Society of America for her haiku and haibun. She conducts poetry workshops for Literary Cleveland and in partnership with the Cuyahoga Falls Library. Barbara has been writing and publishing poems for over 25 years and earned an M.F.A from Spalding University in 2010.
Barbara is a retired speech pathologist who loves nothing better than exploring both Ohio parks and national parks with her artist husband.