Our Voices Matter: A Community-Based Social Justice Art Exhibition
Intersections Gallery and Hallways
Students, teachers, and school leaders come together with Kent State University and Art for Resistance Through Change (ART-C) in this intergenerational art exhibition to promote meaningful change. Artists encourage the public to actively engage in addressing diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice.
In order to create this powerful work, artists engaged in a myriad of activities ranging from: (a) read books regarding characters who overcame a myriad of obstacles and were asked to think about what matters to them and how they overcome their obstacles; (b) focused on issues facing their communities, lived experiences, and strengths they bring to their communities; and (c) chose a topic they deemed significant to K-12 education through their research, examined these issues/concerns, and translated their new understandings into artmaking.
Click here to explore the artists’ thought-provoking narratives.
Special thanks to Bradley Hart, Summit Artspace resident artist, for photography of virtual exhibitions!
Did you know?
Most of the artwork on display at Summit Artspace is for sale.
Click on the artwork images for pricing and more information about each piece.
To purchase students’ artwork, please contact Christa Boske via ART-C’s Instagram @artcart4resistancethruchange by sending a message and a photo of the artwork in which you are interested. All proceeds go directly to nonprofit organizations selected by artists.
Pink Numbers
Intersections Gallery
Blue Numbers
Intersections Gallery
Green Numbers
First Floor
Green Numbers
Second Floor
Green Numbers
Third Floor
See the Summit Artspace exhibit schedule for show details.
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