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Mini Shadow Box Demo for Kaleidoscope Holiday Art Show

The members of the Alliance of Visual Arts in the Akron area share their talents annually at demos that coincide with the organization’s Kaleidoscope Holiday Art Show. Come out and see Kimberly S. Porter re-imagine the ordinary with a shadow box!

Kimberly Porter will follow with a demo of her creative Artplusoul Experience entitled “A New Thing” creating a mini-shadow box from pre-colored coloring book pages. Kimberly will be working from 7-9 p.m. You can learn more about her at her Facebook page for Artplusoul.

The demo is free and sponsored by the Alliance for the Visual Arts as a special event during its annual holiday art exhibition.

You need to register to attend. Click here.


Check out the other free artist demos for beading, 6-8 pm, and making a mini-shadow box, 7-9 pm, also on Dec. 1,  at Summit Artspace on East Market here.


Kids 5 years to 12 and adults can make their own “Rudolf the Reindeer” mini novelty holder or gift bag on Thursday, Dec. 20, 2018, from 5 to 7 pm at Summit Artspace on East Market with artist April Cameron.

The workshop is free and sponsored by the Alliance for the Visual Arts as a special event during its annual Kaleidoscope Holiday Show.  Some parents may need to stay and assist their children with the craft.

Sign-up for this workshop here.

Make plans to see the 16th Annual Kaleidoscope Holiday Art Show which features the best from local artists, Nov. 30-Dec. 29, at Summit Artspace on East Market. Admission is free. Gallery hours: Thursdays and Fridays, noon to 7 pm; Saturdays, noon to 5 pm. Open additionally for Artwalk on Dec. 1, 5-9 pm, and for 3rd THURSDAY, Dec. 20, 5-9 pm. More information at summitartspace.org.

image of reindeer craft for Kaleidoscope workshop

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