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Please join FRESH curators Abby Cipar and Julie Polsinelli for an evening of food and togetherness at Summit Artspace. In tandem with the FRESH: Soft Offerings exhibition, a potluck will be held Friday, February 7th from 5:30 to 7pm. Come strengthen bonds and form new, lasting connections through art and food!

A warm, main dish will be provided, but attendees are encouraged to bring their own dishes, beverages, snacks, fruit, etc. if they have the means. All are welcome and encouraged to take part — especially folks with work in the exhibition, as well as friends and loved ones throughout local communities.

Please follow potluck food safety guidelines while preparing your dish for the event. We ask for participants to bring a label for their food to share any ingredients that may fall under common dietary restrictions or allergies for other guests.

Registration is required to attend. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fresh-crockpot-luck-tickets-1218496328319?aff=oddtdtcreator. 

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