Experience the winning entries one more time and meet the artists!
Stop by Summit Artspace, 4-9 p.m., during the December 3rd Thursday to view the winning visual art entries in the Welcome Gallery and from 6-9 p.m. watch the winning film entries, hear the winning literary entries and listen to the winning music entries.
Cash bar and light refreshments will be provided.
Check out all of the winners here.
3rd Thursday in Akron comes around
3rd Thursday in December will feature the first High Arts Festival Winners Showcase from 6-9 p.m at Summit Artspace on East Market. You will be able to see the award-winning art, hear the music and poetry and see the films! Admission is free.
The event will also include the Kaleidoscope Children’s Holiday Workshop, 5-7 p.m. Artist April Cameron will lead a free mini workshop for kids and adults making a “Rudolph Holiday Reindeer” where students will construct a head of a reindeer out of paper using a cone shape that can be used as a decoration or to hold candy canes and other delights.
3rd Thursday in Akron is a monthly event highlighting arts, culture, cuisine and entertainment in downtown. Take the free trolley to Summit Artspace and more than 20 destinations from the Northside District to The University of Akron for art, music, events, shopping and dining the third Thursday of each month from 4-8 p.m. Please note that Summit Artspace’s hours are usually 4-7 p.m. for 3rd Thursday. Dec. 20 hours are expanded to include the High Arts Festival Winners Showcase.
Visitors can hop and hop off the trolley at the locations that can be found on the map below.

Summit Artspace open for 3rd Thursday in Akron

This exciting event will introduce visitors to independent destinations, events and activities that establish Downtown Akron as an arts and culture destination.
Summit Artspace opens its galleries and artist studios for visitors to wander through. Artists welcome visitors and love to share their work.
For more information about 3rd Thursday in Akron, head to the Facebook page. 3rd Thursday is a program of the Downtown Akron Partnership.