Mutual Aid | Eric Tuck-Macalla
Horizon Gallery
January 10- March 15, 2025
Sculpture in this exhibition exists along the margins of life and reflects the places we don’t want to look: Unused land, vacant lots, abandoned industrial sites. The work serves as a potent reminder about the delicacy of being on the edge of ruin, a reality that many face. While working with mundane materials, Eric Tuck-Macalla is thinking of a poem about the feeling of scarcity; a construction that is creating shelter and building community.

Eric Tuck-Macalla graduated from the Cleveland Institute of Art in 1986 with a degree in Sculpture. As a carpenter, he has served as Director of Building and Housing at the City of Bay Village‘s Building Department since 2010. Tuck-Macalla had some early success after graduation with a solo show at the Sculpture Center and FAVA gallery along with group shows at SPACES and Ohio State University. He restarted his career about 12 years ago and has been actively showing his work since 2022, with group shows at Yards Projects, ROYGBIV Gallery, Indiana University, and juried shows in upstate New York, Boston, and Kentucky. Tuck-Macalla currently lives in Bay Village, Ohio.
Did you know?
Most of the artwork on display at Summit Artspace is for sale.
Click on the artwork images for pricing and more information about each piece.
If you would like to purchase any art, please visit a staff member or volunteer at the front desk, or email natalie@summitartspace.org.
Special thanks to Bradley Hart, Summit Artspace resident artist, for photography of virtual exhibitions!
1- Sandcastle | $3, 000
Painted and chalked wood and epoxy
36″ x 60″ x 24″
2- Raccoons in the backseat | $1,575
Mixed media on paper
22″ x 41″
3- Hanging Chair | $350
Wood and epoxy
18″ x 30″ x 9″
4- Deer stand in snow | $125
Wood and epoxy
12″ x 26″ x 7″
5- Shaker Chair | $350
Wood and epoxy
18″ x 30″ x 9″
6- Paperwhite | $175
Wood, epoxy and paper
15″ x 26″ x 6″
7- Expressions and mutual aid | $3,000
Painted and chalked wood, epoxy and paper
36″ x 60″ x 24″
8- Trusses and found objects | $4,250
Painted and chalked wood, epoxy and paper
60″ x 80″ x 30″
9- Man in Black | $2,500
Mixed media on paper
42″ x 58″
See the Summit Artspace exhibit schedule for show details.
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