Bad Nostalgia | Katherine Strobel
Welcome Gallery
This series focuses on memory and candidness of a scene or subject. The people pictured are painted from life or candid photographs, which are then emphasized from a naive image into something more. In Strobel’s work, the watercolor’s materiality is often indicative of memory because of its ephemeral quality and transparent layers.
Artist Statement
People forget to take pictures of things that don’t matter because it’s impossible to photograph qualities such as the feeling of an inside joke, the sound of an exhale through the nose, or dirty silverware that must be returned to the kitchen and replaced. These things act as set, pieces for what make up the rest of our lives. This series is a catalog of work that focuses on memory and candidness of a scene or subject. The people pictured are painted from life or candid photographs which are then emphasized from a naive image to something more. When an image is exaggerated with new colors and shapes it serves to make the mundane more desirable. The paintings are watercolors with a textured surface; the texture creates a sense of play with paper elements. In my work watercolor is often indicative of memory because of its ephemeral quality and transparent layers. This is because of how impossible it is to clarify every element that makes up a color when the layers are all compressed and viewed as a complete state.
Special thanks to Bradley Hart, Summit Artspace resident artist, for photography of virtual exhibitions!
Did you know?
Most of the artwork on display at Summit Artspace is for sale.
Click on the artwork images for pricing and more information about each piece.
If you would like to purchase any art, please visit a staff member or volunteer at the front desk, or email natalie@summitartspace.org.
1- Best Will | $50
watercolor on paper
2- Winter Street Lamps | $75
Watercolor and ink on paper
3- Front steps | $35
Watercolor on paper
4- Counsel Council | $50
Watercolor on paper
5- Carry The Heavy Load | $50
Watercolor and ink on paper
6- Soft and Warm | $75
Watercolor on paper
7- Contact | $75
Watercolor on paper
8- It’s Nice to See | $75
Watercolor on paper
9- Crowded Sink | $75
Watercolor on paper
10- Leaf then Dogpile | $35
Watercolor on paper
11- We used to identify as ugly girls | $35
Watercolor on paper
12- It looks like it’s your soda | $35
Watercolor on paper
13- Unawares | $35
Watercolor on paper
14- Midnight Run | $35
Watercolor and ink on paper
15- I only function in extremes | $35
Watercolor on paper
16- Binding | $35
Watercolor on paper
17- Learning/Teaching | $35
Watercolor on paper
18- Fall Asleep | $35
Watercolor and ink on paper
19- Sale Site | $40
Watercolor and support ground on paper
20- Second Halloween, November. | $35
Watercolor on paper
21- Teaching/Learning | $35
Watercolor on paper
22- The First Supper | $35
Watercolor on paper
23- Locked out and she’s in the shower | $35
Watercolor and ink on paper
24- So In Omen’s Terms | $350
Watercolor and collage on canvas
25- Secret passages | $35
Watercolor and ink on paper
26- Evidence that we are working | $35
Watercolor and ink on paper
27- Akin to really sleeping | $350
Watercolor, gouache, collage, support ground on canvas
28- Do you need a fake haircut? | $75
Watercolor on paper
29- So I know this place | $75
Watercolor on paper
30- Evolution. | $35
Watercolor, gouache, acrylic, and graphite on paper
31- Friendly Gesture | $35
Watercolor on paper
See the Summit Artspace exhibit schedule for show details.
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