Since 2002, the Arts Alive Awards have recognized gifted artists, talented arts educators and change-making advocates who bring art to life and help shape our community’s culture. As we strive to recover and reconnect in 2021, it’s clear that we need artists more than ever, and they need our support like never before.

Thank you to our Sponsors
Brio Performance Solutions, LLC
Pickard Commercial Group
John Fitzpatrick & Arrye Rosser
Witschey Witschey & Firestine Co., LPA
Kleidon & Associates
Meaden & Moore, Ltd.

Nomination Award Categories
Emerging Artist: An individual in the visual or performing arts with less than five years working in their discipline, who illustrates outstanding potential for making a significant impact on his or her discipline through creativity and growth.
Outstanding Artists: Individual artists whose work within their field has made a significant impact within the discipline over five years or more.
- Outstanding Visual Artist
- Outstanding Artist in Music
- Outstanding Artist in Dance
- Outstanding Artist in Theater
Arts Educator: An arts educator at the elementary, secondary, or university level who has shown exemplary dedication and commitment to teaching, advising and mentoring art students.
Collaborative Project: Recognizes an original project in the performing, visual or multi-disciplinary arts illustrating the power of collaboration to advance and support arts and culture in the community.
IDEA Leader: An individual or group who has amplified the voices and vision of artists in the community or has strengthened inclusion, diversity, equity and access for and within the arts.
Rising Arts Leader: An individual arts contributor, manager, advocate, volunteer or patron with fewer than five years of involvement in this role.
Arts Patron: An individual or organization or business that has sustained and enhanced arts and culture in our community through generous support, leadership and financial resources.
In addition to these nomination categories, Summit Artspace will select and honor artists for the following awards:
Summit Artspace Champion: The award recognizes an individual, group or organization that has been a true champion for Summit Artspace; who has provided extraordinary and ongoing support for its mission as a place for the creative.
Arts Alive Award: An individual or individuals who give selflessly to the cause of advancing arts and culture in the community. Whether an artist, arts administrator, volunteer or patron, the nominee gives willingly and does so without seeking recognition.
Lifetime Achievement: An individual who has dedicated their life to the arts and achieved distinction within the community. The award recognizes an individual artist, arts manager, advocate or other who has strengthened arts and culture in the community through decades of service.
Ticket registration for Arts Alive 2021 will open May 1, 2021.
All proceeds benefit the mission of Summit Artspace to connect artists to the community and to the resources they need to thrive professionally, creatively and financially.