Artist Care Programs

2024 Artist Launchpad Cohort at the Akron Art Museum
2024 Artist Launchpad Cohort at the Akron Art Museum

Artist Care Programs 

Summit Artspace provides wrap-around services for the practicing artist.  

Our Artist Care programs are intended to bolster all aspects of the local artist’s practice including professional and leadership development, well-being, mindset, and community. Peer learning is an essential model used in our programs to ensure artist’s needs are met while cultivating connections with other artists. The artist’s experience is centered in our programs so that participants can define their own careers and success in a way that is tailored to their artistic practice. Emerging and established artists of all disciplines—literary, performing, and visual—are invited to take part in our offerings.

Artist Launchpad

Artist Launchpad is a multi-week course designed to support artists in determining the next steps of your career through interactive sessions with established artists, arts leaders, and business professionals. This program takes place once a year in the spring.

Artist Open House: Mix & Meet

Abstract graphic with two hand shaking in the center.

This multi-faceted event is designed to bring artists together for community building, one-on-one coaching sessions, and group sessions like art critiques and wellness for artists. This event takes place once a year in the fall. 

Workshops & Panel Discussions

These artist-centered, interactive programs are intended to connect artists to tools and resources to strengthen the essential elements of your artistic practice. Programs take place 2-3 times per year. 

Work in Progress: Artist Meetups 

Artists gathering together at Akron Recording Company for the WIP Artist Meetup.

Artists gathering with no agenda. Events take place at varying locations throughout the community 2-3 times per year. 

For more information, follow us on social media or contact our Director of Artist Resources, Natalie Grieshammer Patrick, at 

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